Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Andrea Delise Week 7

This week, I have started working with a group of 4 students during centers doing Response to Intervention. The students we have chosen to be in this group are students we feel need the extra support and help with reading. Each day we practice reading and writing sight words, read a story, answer comprehension questions. After our time together, I give the students a copy of the book to take home and practice reading with. At first, I was nervous as to how students might react to being in this group, however they really enjoy it so far! One of the students, Kimmy, does not participate in class. Even when she is called on, she just shakes her head and refuses to speak. She has really stepped out of her comfort zone in this reading group. She is always asking to read and to read the words. It is truly so exciting to see her motivated and excited to read. There is another boy who wants to read better but says that he has no books at home. When I gave him the book to take home, he was so thrilled. The next day he came right up to me to tell me that he read the book to every single person in his house individually. Today, we re-read the story that we read together yesterday and that they took home to practice with. When one student didn't know some of the words, another student said, "I can tell you did not read that at home." Although I felt that student shouldn't have said that, the struggling student took it well and tried really hard to sound out the words, and succeeded. I believe this is a case of students holding each other and themselves accountable for helping each other to do better as a group. I feel like this extra attention gets the students excited about reading while progressing, learning new words and taking steps forward every day!

1 comment:

  1. If you can think of a way to build in cooperative learning even more explicitly, then you can capitalize even more on students holding each other accountable. For example, you might jointly set goals with the class, which will increase their motivation to hold each other accountable.
